Transformative Education

Reconciliation with God, Humanity, and Creation

5 Year Action Plans by the Institutions (2019-2023) 

Apostolic Prefecture of Battambang
  1. Administer and further develop kindergartens in the prefecture.
  2. Develop and improve programs for hostels.
  3. Continue to support basic primary education needs in the prefecture.
  4. Continue to provide scholarships with clear guidelines and payback schemes.
  5. Develop learning centers.
  6. Regularise the teacher training and formation programs.

Education of Jesuit Mission Cambodia
  1. Implement Ignatian Pedagogy Paradigm (IPP) into the curriculums at XJS.
  2. Formation of teachers for XJS and other schools.
  3. Providing lectures, seminars, workshops to university students; publishing books through MAGGA program.
  4. Stabilizing Philosophy program at RUPP.
  5. Developing Student Centre in front of Prieb So for first alumni of XJS (Oct 2022).
  6. Implement Fe y Alegría (FyA) Project in Cambodia: JMC is exploring ways to engage in FyA in order to synergize our efforts of the three arms of JMC (JSC, BTB Prefecture, and XJS) in offering quality transformative education for the marginalized and the poor.

Jesuit Service Cambodia
  1. To conduct evaluations and surveys to understand the education requirements in the remote villages for better collaboration with existing bodies.
  2. Co-ordinate with other educational institutions such as Fe y Alegria or Open Institute for new holistic approaches that can improve the quality of education in the rural areas.

Spiritual Apostolate
  1. To appropriate the Ignatian spiritual heritage for the local context.
  2. To teach these spiritual heritages to students of Jesuit school and other educational institutions run by Jesuits.
  3. To provide weekend retreats for the young people of our schools.