Richie's letters
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With these universal apostolic preferences, we resolve to concentrate and concretize our vital apostolic energies during the next ten years, 2019-2029. We accept them as a mission of the Church through Pope Francis, who has approved them by confirming the communal discernment that was undertaken by the apostolic body.
Father General Arturo Sosa, S.J.
Universal Apostolic Preferences are the fruit of a process of discernment lasting almost two years. Confirmed by Pope Francis and promulgated by Father General Arturo Sosa SJ in February 2019, they are to serve as a guide for all Jesuits and Jesuit partners for the next ten years. The new Preferences are four areas vital for our world today. We invite you to learn more and take action with us!
To Love and Serve in all Things
We commit to engage in a new reflection on the key issues of our times and a rigorous intellectual study of them. In a time of fundamentalism, we want to witness a faith that faces emerging questions with honesty and that can debate them with sincerity and openness. Through these Preferences, we want to open ourselves to renewal. We want to strengthen our identity as a part of the Church which is a field hospital – a Church that goes out, a Church of the frontiers, a field hospital where wounds are bandaged, a Church where hearts are healed, and love is once more made possible.
To accept that call is to give one’s life for love expressed in deeds of reconciliation and justice; it means being transformed into authentic followers of Jesus and active members of the Church and the Society that serves the mission in collaboration with so many other persons. Conversion empowers us to take part in the mission.
Father General Arturo Sosa, S.J.